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Funny Ricky Sayings From Trailer Park Boys About Being a Father

The best jokes are always simple, and maybe that's why Ricky from Trailer Park Boysis one of the funniest and most beloved characters on the show. Rickyisms, a collection of famous lines attributed to the character, are actually a thing. Many great Ricky quotes consist of wrongly substituting a single word or just mispronouncing something, taking puns, metaphors, and wordplay to a whole other hilarious level.

There's actually a term for this type of comedy or mistake, and it's called malapropism. The results are a part of Ricky's character, a main feature of the show, and always surprisingly funny. There are several online lists and glossaries with vast stores of Ricky's numerous linguistic accidents, and here are a few more of the best Trailer Park Boys quotes.

Updated on April 8th, 2021 by Scott Allan:Netflix's long-running Canadian documentary seriesTrailer Park Boys aired for twelve seasons and a number of specials before it turned into an animated series. The series quickly became known for its unique look at eastern Canadian trailer park life, as well as the wonderful vocabulary of Ricky that quickly developed its own terminology. The series has transitioned to Swearnet'sTrailer Park Boys: Jail which has brought the Boys to their home away from home to continue their adventures in a more contained setting. This has further inspired us to take another look at some of the best Ricky Trailer Park Boys quotes like "sweet empowered chicken."

20 "What Comes Around Is All Around."

Some of the bestTrailer Park Boys quotes deal with Ricky's frequent misunderstandings of common sayings, which is best shown with his usage of "what comes around is all around," which makes almost no sense but fits perfectly with his other Rickyisms.

What's even better than Ricky's misuse of "what goes around comes around" is Trailer Park Supervisor Jim Lahey's drunk correction - "Don't you mean what's all around comes around, Ricky?"

19 "It's Not Rocket Appliances."

Ricky's sayings frequently appear in the series episode titles like his infamous misunderstanding of the classic "it's not rocket science," which perfectly sums up Ricky's unique vocabulary that has become such a memorable part ofTrailer Park Boys.

It's also made return appearances over the course of the series in new ways like when he revealed it "doesn't take rocket appliances to get your grade 10," and he's not wrong. It also showcased the true lasting power of his Rickyisms.

18 "Atodoso/I-toad-a-sew."

It can sometimes be difficult to understand what Ricky is trying to say, and even his best friends Bubbles and Julian occasionally have to work some magic to interpret his sayings like when he smugly let them know he was right.

Normally someone would say "I told you so" to hold something over their friends' heads, but it can be difficult to get that point across when Ricky's brain jumbles all of his words together into a quick mess like "Atodaso/I-toad-a-sew," which we're still not totally sure about.

17 "Survival Of The Fitness, Boys."

Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles aren't always working alone in their various endeavors, as they frequently have the assistance of other characters like Cory and Trevor in the earlier seasons and Cory and Jacob in the later seasons.

The younger and stupider team were often used as prison bait, so when Jacob and his crew of "twiggy aliens" disappeared while working for the Boys, Ricky explained it away as the ancient tenet of "survival of the fitness."

16 "I'm Not A Pessimist, I'm An Optometrist."

Randy was the Assistant Trailer Park Supervisor who was a frequent thorn in the side to the Boys and their usually illegal operations, which was further complicated by the fact that he went to school with everyone.

He frequently used this to get close to the Boys and other Sunnyvale residents like J-Roc, which led to Ricky's inspired misquote as he tried to warn J-Roc away from trusting Randy yet again when he came sniffing around.

15 "Where there's smoke, there's wires."

There's a cannabis grow-op reference in almost everything Ricky says, which is why he associates wires with a possible fire hazard. In fact, it's likely he has some experience with this first-hand.

Bubbles is the star of this episode, "Righties Loosies, Lefties Tighties," partly because of his engineering knowledge, one thing Ricky sorely lacks given his experience with wires.

14 "Two turnips in heat."

There are a few funny sayings in this episode, "Freedom 45?" in which our heroes make another attempt at early retirement. Another example is "Whole different kettle and dish."

This hilarious mispronunciation about root vegetables, however, is the best of them all. Only Ricky could take a simple phrase like "turn up the heat" and make it about plant mating practices.

13 "Knock knock."

Often directed at Jim Lahey, everyone got the butt-end of Ricky's "Knock knock" opener at some point. Sometimes it's followed by an actual reply, other times the retort is simply two extended middle fingers or the expletive, "F**k off."

There are fierce debates online about Ricky's best knock-knock jokes, with favorites ranging from the short and simple to long ranting lectures. He seems to have one of his unique knock-knock jokes on hand for every occasion.

12 "Worst case Ontario."

Only Canadians will really get this one. A spin on the expression "worst-case scenario," Ricky uses this to describe Canada's most populous province. It's where everyone seems to go and everyone seems to be from. It's also the home of several important cities.

Toronto is Canada's largest and richest city, and Ottawa is the seat of the federal government. Legislation and economic policy that affect everyone nationally often start and end here. Both cities are in Ontario. This generates some resentment on the part of much smaller provinces, such as Nova Scotia, where the Trailer Park Boysactually takes place.

11 "What Julian doesn't grow won't burn him."

There are several memorable quotes in this iconic episode, "Propane, Propane" which focuses on a Snoop Dogg concert, among other interesting bits of local drama. This one is so apt it makes you wonder if Ricky's little euphemisms really are accidental.

Both Ricky and Julian have had their own issues with the law, partly because of the plants that they grow, so this makes more sense than the actual saying, "what they don't know won't hurt them."

10 "Two birds get stoned at once."

This one is so perfect for Ricky. In a way, it describes his whole character. A funny spin on the "killing two birds with one stone" axiom, in Ricky's mind the word "stone" is the verb instead of the noun.

This is one of those times when we're thankful for Ricky's mistake, as it's preferable to the old saying where the birds get killed instead of stoned and it oddly fits the situation perfectly thanks to Ricky's gift of gab.

9 "It's clear to see who makes the pants here."

In the episode, "If You Love Something, Set it Free" the Boys hunt a mysterious intruder in their pot field. This particular show is rich in Rickyisms. We get "fill my feet" instead of "fill my shoes" and "radies" instead of "rabies."

Bubbles is there to help out with terms like "samsquanch." Cory and Trevor get attacked by what turns out to be a cougar, and Sarah, who is their current "boss," prohibits them from working with Julian or Ricky again. This quote is Ricky's hysterical response in which he gets the verbs "make" and "wear" confused.

8 "Does a bear s*** on the pope?"

There are already a few variations on this colorful way to agree to something, but this one from the episode "Sh*t-Covered Cave Teeth" is one of the best. It's from one of the more recent episodes where Ricky has tried to swear off crime, but Julian talks him into helping with one last job, at a dental office.

That explains the title of the episode and nicely reflects Ricky's enthusiasm for Julian's plan, but it also references the ironic hygiene issues of the dentist himself, Sam Losco. Sam is better known around the park as a caveman, which he lives up to in a number of ways.

7 "Water under the fridge."

Ricky isn't a country boy, he lives in a trailer park. He knows more about household water leaks than scenic bridges over rivers, which explains his frame of reference in this quote. In this particular episode, "Money Can Suck My C**k," the protagonists all have separate business ventures going.

There are times when they have to work together and forget past grievances, which extends to the film crew that they have to work with, who managed to trick Ricky into signing the Boys up for more seasons of the show. They showed up to film a new season as if Ricky wouldn't still be mad at them, hence this quote.

6 "Dressed all over."

Some of Ricky's funny sayings come from misunderstandings over French and English labels, which is a common issue in Canada. Certain popular products are known by their French nicknames, like a popular beverage commonly nicknamed "Pamplemousse," which is simply grapefruit-flavored soda.

Similar phrases like "zesty mordant" also appear in the Canadian lexicon and many Rickyisms. In this case, Ricky refers to "All Dressed" chips in an uncommon way. The title of the episode, "Dressed all Over and Zesty Mordant" is inspired by Rickyisms.

5 "Hang your horses."

A funny combination of "hang on" and "hold your horses," both of which have the same meaning, "wait." This infamous episode, "Up in Smoke We Go" features several celebrity cameos, including Tom Arnold, Snoop Dogg, and Doug Bensen.

In real life, Arnold was a huge fan of the show, especially Ricky and his car, the S***mobile. He got to ride around in the car with Bubbles for part of the day, which was a dream come true for the Hollywood comedian.

4 "Make like a tree and f*** off."

Many viewers remember that immortal line fromBack to the Futurethat was often used by the main antagonist, Biff, "make like a tree and get out of here." Ricky takes this to a whole other level with a line that doesn't even pretend to be clever.

This quote actually comes from a fairly exciting episode that includes the culmination of the Freedom 35 plan and Ricky's Grade 10. Lahey tries to thwart their plans and get them arrested, but his daughter Treena, who is played by none other than Ellen Page, helps the Boys uncover Randy and Jim's nefarious plans.

3 "Passed with flying f****** carpets."

Well, the original phrase, "passed with flying colors" doesn't make any more sense, so why not sub colors out for something like carpets? In the episode "Propane Propane," the Boys need a truck for the upcoming weed harvest.

In a race against time, they have to get the crop out before law enforcement finds it. They make a mistake when they send Cory and Trevor to steal an appropriate vehicle, and they return with a propane tanker. The only one who can drive it is Bubbles, but he fails the test to get his license, and this is the line Ricky uses to lie to Julian about it.

2 "Worldy Pipe."

If you're a dedicated stoner like Ricky, then everything is associated with cannabis sooner or later. Even the worldwide web can be comparable in Ricky's unique understanding of the English language. It's a web, a net, so why not a pipe?

Ricky uses this particular euphemism in a number of episodes and it's a surprise that it hasn't caught on more widely considering how clever it is. He also recognizes that pipes have a million uses, including transmitting data all over the planet.

1 "Sweet empowered chicken things."

You'll never call it plain old "sweet and sour" chicken ever again after Ricky takes everyone's favorite dish up a notch in the episode "The Bible Pimp." Ricky and Sarah are eating Chinese take-out while a strange drama erupts around them involving Julian and the so-called "Missionaries" who are visiting the park.

This is actually one of the more touching episodes, with lots of lessons to learn about friendship and atonement. After burning Bubbles' shed down in a previous episode, Julian and Ricky had a few things to learn.

NEXT: Trailer Park Boys: 15 Hilarious Bubble Quotes That'll Make You Say, "Same"

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